Ewaste Refining

The recycling and refining of precious metals from electronic waste can be a complex and dangerous process. However, at EWASTE Recycling, we have the experience and expertise to safely and effectively recycle and refine your precious metals.

We use a variety of methods to recover precious metals from electronic waste, including:

We then use a process called aqua regia to purify the metals. Aqua regia is a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid that can dissolve gold and other precious metals. Once the metals have been purified, we can then begin the refining process.

Refining precious metals is a multi-step process that involves:

We take great care to ensure that the precious metals we recover and refine are of the highest quality.

Why E-Scrappy Recyclers

Escrappy Recyclers takes pride for having nationwide facilities in UAE for collection, onsite disposal and off-site storage or destruction. Escrappy provides a fully audited and certified service you can trust:

What You Receive?

Secure data destruction

Supports IT Audits (ISO 27001, ISO 20000, NESA, ISR

Detailed inventory repor

Detailed Inventory Report

Return on valued assets

Provides Certificate of Recycling (Green Certificate)

Free pickup and logistics

Free Pickup and Logistics

Increase your reputation

Increase Brand Reputation

We Are Certified By

Iso 45001
Iso 21964
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